How to get involved如何参与?
Jie Qi's Dragon Art Project

[Calling Young Artists] Event Launch!

Hello everyone, I'm Leo (Xin Liu), a painter from PEI. As an artist, I consistently focus on creative expressions related to extreme weather, environmental issues, and multiculturalism. I successfully held "The Story of Fiona" exhibition in 2023, and now I'm excited to present the continuation and development of these themes through the "Jie Qi's Dragon" project.

Official Website: (English)

About Jie Qi (Solar Terms):

Jie Qi, originating from ancient Chinese classical philosophy, divides the year into 24 "Solar Terms" to explore the wisdom of how humans can harmonize with nature, the environment, climate, animals, and themselves. This deep cultural tradition reflects reverence and respect for nature, holding significant relevance for addressing extreme weather and environmental issues.

Overview of "Jie Qi's Dragon":

This innovative art project combines 24 Solar Terms (24 paintings) to create the "Dragon of Solar Terms." The exhibition takes place during the Spring Festival and throughout the Year of the Dragon, blending traditional displays with interactive art.

Participation Guidelines:

Young artists aged 6-18 will each be responsible for a segment of the dragon (representing a Solar Term). Regardless of race, religion, language, or cultural background, children are invited to contribute their artistic expressions. Participation is free, and professional oil painting frames and initial guidance will be provided.

Participant Benefits:

A. Certificate as a "Jie Qi's Dragon" Young Artist

B. Certificate from the Chinese Cultural Association as an Art Volunteer

C. Media exposure opportunities

D. Professional art training opportunities

E. Networking with like-minded young artists

How to Participate?

Send your name, age, and up to 5 artworks to and Selected participants will receive email notifications with details about the next steps and training.

Parental Authorization:

Selected young artists must have a parental authorization form signed. Detailed information will be provided in the notification email.

Payment Information:

No payment is required.